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A system created to meet all school needs, it proveds ELS ( electronic learning system ) and SMS ( school management system) along with a variety of options to faciltate communication between schools and homes. The system contains a website, and a mobile application to serve students, parents and school staff. For more information about DSchool please visit the website

Solution features

This service is operated by a team of competencies and expertise in their fields


a complete electronic library to promote reading skills

weekly plans

contains lessons and homework


automatic fees for invoicing and receipt system

promoting students yearly

according to academic performance you can promote all students or select whoever can repeat the year.

bulk registration

registering a large number of students in 1 click


creating subjects and adding all materials to that subject


Creating classes and sections, assigning students to them in a click


All kinds of reports are made easily and momentarily.


A form to receive employment applications and organize them.

contact us

form to receive complains, suggestions and notes.

Link to your domain

we link the website to your own domain

Multi languages

supports all languages

Ease of use

site is user friendly and uncomlicated

Students daily reports

parents can have detailed reports about students behavior.

Online exams

students can take exams and view scores, correct answers from home

Attendance application

for school staff to verify attendance automatically

Mobile applications

we offer android,iOS mobile applications with the latest updates

virtual classes

students can attend online lessons via zoom through the system

Online registration

registering students online with no need to visit the school

online payments

link to your bank and secure financial transactions

informational website

we offer a website with full information about your business

Social media accounts links

We link your social media accounts to your website for easy access

Technical support

24/7 technical support

Customized design

a customized design for your website and mobile application with your logo and your colors

Order Solution

To request this service please submit the form and we will contact you as soon as we can

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